Image: Gail Lotenberg in PR 20
Dialogue Through Dance
Pure Research 20 – Gail Lotenberg
Research focus
To uncover ways to make research-generated dialogues more effective in the performance context of a piece, not just the research context. To find ways to shine a light on the content of our dialogues, and thus make them observable and shareable with an audience, rather than bury them within the research phase (therefore hidden from the audience and known only to the creators).
Collaborators and credits
Cara Siu, Deanna Peters, Brenda Morrison, Roberto Seto, Ruth MacIntosh, Marcela Caceres, Aryo Khakpour, Kaylin Metchie, Chu-Lynne Ng, Jenni Rempel, Shannon Wong, June Fukumura, Minah Lee, Steffi Munshaw, and Conor Wylie, with Nightswimming’s Brian Quirt, Rupal Shah, and SFU’s DD Kugler.
June 9-12, 2012 at the Woodward Centre, Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
Final Report