Image: Jean Yoon in process during PR 22 (Brian Quirt)

Acting for Theatre & Camera

Pure Research 22 – Christine Brubaker

Research focus

To investigate how different performance contexts affect an actor’s experience of story – particularly if that story changes in tone or meaning from context to context. Also, to test a scientific tool called Visual Analogue Scale to determine whether numerical data collection could add knowledge to this highly subjective experience of performance. What happens in the actor’s experience of inhabiting, connecting to, and relaying that story when told in different mediums and in front of different audience permutations.

Collaborators and credits

David Bates, Stephanie Belding, Dmitry Chepovetsky, Diane Flacks, Sochi Fried, Allegra Fulton, Amber Goldfarb, Kevin Hanchard, Randi Helmers, Tanja Jacobs, Marcia Johnson, Martin Julien, Paul Lee, Emma Mackenzie Hillier, Viv Moore, Tony Nappo, Karin Randoja, Rebecca Singh, Alex Williams, Ashley Westlake, Eric Woolfe, and Jean Yoon.

Consultants: Dr. Rachel Tyndale, Andrew Lister, Pam Hall, Kira Obolesky, and Michael Sakamoto, with Nightswimming’s Brian Quirt, Rupal Shah and dramaturgy intern Rachel Steinberg.

Glen Morris Studio, University of Toronto Centre for the Study of Drama, October 16-17, 2012.

Close up of a camera, the screen of the camera has someone’s mouth in focus on it
A camera facing forward on a tripod
Paul Lee in the background, there is someone looking through a camera in the foreground at Paul