Image: Christopher-Elizabeth Boyd strumming a guitar (Em Quenneville).

Controlling the Stage

Pure Research 32 – Christopher-Elizabeth Boyd

Research focus

This experiment explores giving the audience control of lighting and sound elements using familiar video game controllers. Imagine using an Xbox joystick to control a moving light, or strumming a Rockband guitar to transition between hundreds of pre-loaded sound effects. Naturally, the only way to ensure that this system works is to invite clowns to improvise a real-life in-person video game where the audience becomes the player.

Collaborators and credits

Christopher Elizabeth-Boyd, with clowns Michelle Blight, Kole Durnford, Robert Morrison, Kendelle Parks, and Jacob Willis; Nightswimming’s Brian Quirt, Gloria Mok and Associate Dramaturg Nathaniel Hanula-James, as well as Tarragon Theatre’s Mike Payette and Myekah Payne.

Pure Research Toronto 2023 is a partnership with Tarragon Theatre. All studio sessions were hosted in Tarragon Theatre’s Extraspace, January 18-20, 2023 with technician David Mallette.

Christopher Elizabeth Boyd and Gloria Mok testing out controllers.